I think it is a pretty safe assumption that I’m no rock chick, or any kind of social stereotype really. Perhaps I’m a misfit, but as I discovered when going to see Three Days Grace...I am not going to be getting any facial piercings or tattoos any time soon. I went with a good friend to see them and they’re something else - a Canadian heavy rock band that make really cool music. Initially I was introduced to them quite a while ago when my brother wanted their One-X album, but they were far too heavy for me.

Over time I’ve come to discover that there is no way for me to differentiate my musical taste, it varies massively and to be honest, I’m a misfit wherever I go. My gig list goes from Bach, to Three Days Grace, to Hunter Hayes - and that’s just 3 separate genres. I really wanted to get tickets to see ACDC in June but they sold out so quickly.

Anyway, so the gig was pretty epic. Despite having the worlds most annoying people in front of us, we were pretty close. For example, one of the guys was clearly only here because his girlfriend wanted to be there and it was massively off putting - he knew none of the words and was clearly horrified that people were rocking to the songs. Another one was a girl that wouldn’t put her phone down. There was a period of about 20 minutes where she seemed to be constantly filming or doing something that meant her phone was permanently on the end of her hand...annoying. I have also written several posts about this.

Apart from that it was great, they played a real variety of songs and I could sing along to most of them - even in their records you have to listen quite carefully to hear the lyrics. It was interesting, my friend commented that if Jared Leto and the lead singer from Papa Roach had a child, that would be it. He was quite good looking but his voice was almost flawless! He had so much stage presence and charisma, it was incredible - constantly running around and having a really good time. The others in the band were equally as good - they were just full of life, and although you do get that a lot it’s hard to find a band that genuinely loves what they do. I’ve seen a few performances where they would just look like they’re having a good time when they’re clearly not really.

Overall, it was incredible - really really good and what made it even better was that the friend that took me, was absolutely buzzing afterwards. It just makes things much better when someone is so happy. Plus, it was an unexpected good night, which makes the whole experience 10x better - the unexpected moments often are.

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